The Outsiders

This book outsiders is written by S.E Hinton. The main person in this book is pony boy and he is only 14 year old. He has a great personality an he is really smart because hes always getting good grades. But the only thing is that he is really friendly to his friends expect other people. He lives in the hood also and pony boy counts on his brothers and his friends. At school he gets beat up by a gang of rich kids but he expects it to come. His neighborhood is crazy because there’s always some drama some where like some one going to jail or breaking into someones car.


On Wednesday James is walking into school with a sad face because he has no friends to hang out with and no one to protect him when the bullies come. But he already know what he’s going to walk into. He’s hoping that the boys aren’t going to be at school today for he can have one good day without them in his mind. But then he realizes that is never going to happen because there always going to be there on his mind at school and at home because he feels like he’s never safe.

A couple hours gone by and at the end of the day James was walking to his locker all quiet he was all happy and out of nowhere the mean kids came and stared hitting James books out of his hands and they made him pick it up. So they throw him to the floor and said ” pick it up!” Then a teacher came running and yelled at the 4 boys that were picking on James and the teacher told James how about tomorrow you come eat lunch with me for you’re not alone and those kids don’t pick on you again.

The next day the boys were back and James got scared and hurried up and ran into the bath room before they saw him for they don’t pick on him again. At lunch time he was so happy because he can eat with the teacher. He walked into his teacher room and she said did the boys pick on you today? James said no but they almost saw me in the hall way but I hurried up and ran into the bathroom before they could see me. His teacher said well James you know you can’t all ways just tell them pick on you need to stand up for yourself and tell them boys to leave you alone or tell the office that those boys are picking on you and let them get in trouble. They had a long talk until lunch time was over and James told her thank you and you made my day.

The next day James decided to stand up for himself if the 4 boys mess with him today. But they weren’t at school so he went and told the office that the kids are bulling him and makes him feel bad and they said they are going to talk to them and they’re going to get in trouble. The next day the boys came up to him and told James that there sorry and hope then they can become friends and James was so happy that the bulling is done and over and he can finally have some friends. The teacher helped James step up to the kids who were bullying him and he did he faced the bullies and know there friends

That is my story about bulling and how its bad to bully people. I looked on the internet and it said Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester. Take a stand in your community by hosting a Bullying Policy Makeover event customizing your school’s anti-bullying policy. By age 14 less than 30% of boys and 40% of girls will talk to their peers about bullying. And some of the signs that your kid is getting  bullied are


Talking about hurting someone

Spreading rumors

Attacking someone by hitting them or yelling at them.


Bullying (rough draft)


One day at the end of the day this boy named James was walking to his locker all quiet because he had no friends he was all happy and out of nowhere these mean kids came and stared hitting his books out of James hands and they made him pick it up. So they throw him to the floor and said pick it up. Then a teacher came running and yelled at the 4 boys that were picking on James and the teacher told James how about tomorrow you come eat lunch with me for you’re not alone and those kids don’t pick on you again.

The next day the boys were back and James got scared and hurried up and ran into the bath room before they saw him for they don’t pick on him again. At lunch time he was so happy because he because he can eat with the teacher. He walked into his teacher room and she said did the boys pick on you today? James said no but they almost saw me in the hall way but I hurried up and ran into the bathroom before they could see me. They had a long talk until lunch time was over and James told her thank you mad my day much brighter.

The next day James decided to stand up for himself if the 4 boys mess with him today. But they weren’t at school so he went and told the office that the kids are bulling him and makes him feel bad and they said they are going to talk to them and they’re going to get in trouble. The next day the boys came up to him and told James that there sorry and hope then can become friends and James was so happy that the bulling are done and over and he can finally have some friends.

That is my story about bulling and how its bad to bully people and it say Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester. Take a stand in your community by hosting a Bullying Policy Makeover event customizing your school’s anti-bullying policy. By age 14 less than 30% of boys and 40% of girls will talk to their peers about bullying.

School uniforms by Niesha Anderson

Write your first newscast publication here! After you have a final draft, copy, paste, and publish your newscast on your blog with a creative title. If you do not finish this assignment in class on Friday, then it is your homework over the weekend!

At Blackhawk Middle school august 24 in 4th period a teacher came into the class room and said she had some bad news and then the hole class got quite. She came out with the bad news and said ”  After labor day we are going to have a new dress code” then everyone in the class  just was confused and they all thought it was a lie.

The crazy part about it was she had pictures and all this poof the we had a new dress code. She showed us the pictures and they were uniforms and that’s when got crazy in the class. Then everyone started yelling ” it’s a prank its fake ”.

Then she left because the class because it got out of hand and then everyone was booing her because what she said but then the teachers was like know lets right about what your feeling and then that’s when we all know that it was a prank because they said we had to right about it so we wrote about what just happened for like 40 min.

Then she came back in before the class ended and said did you guys believe it. She said ” I felt so bad because you guys got so mad but I had to do it”. She told us that we can’t tell nobody because she still got a couple of classes to go and talk to and she didn’t want us to tell them and then we all left the class and they were still talking about it when we left.

I am a reader

The last book i read was 13 reasons why the one thing that i liked about the book was like that the book is just like the TV show of the book and it was really good. I think the book was better because it has detail by detail in the book and i like reading the book instead of the TV show. the book that i pick at the library its called this side of home by Renee Watson and its really good so far